Check out our New Call to Artists
Check out our New Call to Artists
Working small can be as much of a challenge as working large. Submit your artworks that are 8" x 8" or smaller today.
The big day may have come and gone, but keep in touch as we’re always up to something new and exciting.
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT: 11:30 PM, Eastern Time February 23, 2024.
Please be sure to read ALL of the information on this Guidelines Page to ensure that your submittal meets our requirements.
Artists may submit original artwork 1 (ONE) ARTWORK PER SUBMISSION FORM but may submit up to a maximum of 3 (THREE) submissions of different works (see Submissions in the next column) that meet the show's theme. Submissions to the show may ONLY be made through our official submissions form and process. We do not accept email, messages, FaceBook, Instagram, or other methods of submittal. Such attempts to do so will be deleted without notification and will not be considered for entrance into the show.
This art show is specifically for artworks that are 8” x 8” or smaller. 3D works will be permitted if they meet the size requirements. Digitally Manipulated, Artificial Intelligence Derived, Originated or Developed artworks will not be accepted for this art show submittal and there will NOT be an AI art show. No videos for this show.
This is a virtual, online gallery and will not be shown in a physical, brick-and-mortar showplace.
If you have further questions about the show guidelines that are not provided here or run into any difficulties with your submittal, please email us. Please allow up to 48 hours on weekdays for a response. Our offices are not open on weekends. Also please be mindful that we are located in the Eastern Time zone so if you are in another time zone, we may not see your message until Monday if it arrives on a weekend. Please read all of the guidelines carefully as most questions are already answered here.
Artists will be added to our mailing list to ensure communication and to receive our announcements and newsletters.
This show if for small artworks that are 8” x 8” or less in their original form or format. Art can be about whatever subject matter or whatever style the artist prefers except digitally manipulated photographs, Artificial Intelligence derived in part of whole, or video. ARTISTS will submit two photographs with each entry. The second photograph must show the artwork next to a ruler or measuring tape showing that the dimensions of the artwork are not more than 8”x 8”. Artwork submitted without this second photo will be disqualified.
What we will not accept: political parties or persona images, pornography, snuff or gore style depictions, use of bodily fluids as imagery or medium, photos of actual decomposing bodies/body parts, political statements, political satire, hate imagery or words that are inflammatory or libelous in nature. Submissions of these types will be disqualified.
Artists must verify on their submittal form that the art they are submitting is their own original artwork and not subject to copyright laws of other persons, businesses, organizations, or entities. Artists retain all copyright except granting The Creative Arts Club non-exclusive rights to display the submitted art online, in advertising for The Creative Arts Club, and on social media where it may be shared and/or to resell prints.
If any third party disputes the Artist's claims of ownership, originality, or copyright, The Creative Arts Club will not mediate the dispute or become involved. The work in question will be removed from our gallery. Artists may be banned from future submittals or involvement and membership summarily revoked. No refunds will be provided for submittals or for membership fees in this case. If you are using another artist's work as inspiration, please be certain that you are not infringing upon their ownership/copyright. We follow the copyright laws and standards of the United States of America.
There will be a first-place, second-place, and third-place artwork chosen by our selection committee for work they feel displays artistic merit. Winners will be announced and posted on the Call to Artists tab under the name of this show and via a newsletter to artists who confirm their email address sign up.
First Place Winner
Second Place Winner
Third Place Winner
The gallery show will be closed on April 5, 2024. All artworks will be removed from the online gallery at that time except for the prize winners, whose work will remain available for viewing through midnight of May 6, 2024.
On the submission form, Artists will see that they are providing the right of resale of their artwork to be sold through The Creative Arts Club website store at a commission rate of 50%. The price set for prints is solely at the discretion of The Creative Arts Club and will be based on the size of prints, materials for production, distance and method for shipping, taxes due, etc.
Artists will receive a detailed sales notice and commission check for any of their art prints that sell. Commissions and sales notices are mailed out ONLY on a quarterly basis by the end of March, June, September, and December if the artist’s work has any sales. If no sales were made, no notification or check will be sent for that quarter. We will require tax reporting details on any artist whose artwork commissions total more than $599 in any year so we can provide appropriate tax documents at the end of each year. Having prints offered in our store is solely at our discretion.
Artists are responsible for reporting their earnings to their taxing entities.
There is no guarantee made that any art prints will sell or that all artwork included in the gallery show will be included in The Creative Art Club’s online store as available prints. Not all artwork in a gallery show may always be available for prints. The right to sell prints granted by the artist to The Creative Arts Club is non-exclusive and will stay in effect so long as the initial agreement is in place. Either party may choose to terminate the print sales relationship after 1 (one) year from the end date of the initial art show.
Please contact us if you have questions or concerns about the submission, difficulties submitting the form, or other related information not covered by these guidelines.
Artwork will be juried into the show through The Creative Arts Club executive office and selected anonymous jurists. The decisions of the selection committee are final without recourse or discussion. Works not juried into the show will not be eligible for a refund.
Art created by means of Artificial Intelligence or derived from Artificial Intelligence will not be juried or eligible for prizes and awards and will be disqualified.
An announcement of participants and prize winners will be made on this website under the Call to Artists Tab. An emailed newsletter announcement will also be sent out.
Artworks are juried anonymously meaning that the selection committee does not have access to information before the selection is made as to the names of artists, their location/geography, or any other identifying information about the artist that could bias the selection committee in any way. Signatures on artwork are hidden from the selection committee.
Artists whose work is accepted into the show will receive notification via email of their acceptance and be provided with links to the gallery show. Artists' names and emails are automatically added to our email list at the time of submittal. We recommend artists add our email (curator at thecreativeartsclub dot com) as an email address they wish to receive emails from in order to avoid emails being sent to spam or trash. Artists are highly encouraged to share the show links provided and their participation in the show on their own social media and websites to encourage their own fans and followers to see the works.
Disqualification is entirely up to our artistic director and gallery curator staff/jury without the option of discussion, argument, or mediation. We reserve the right to decline to include any artwork at our discretion without discussion or mediation. No refunds are given.
Artists must complete our submission form and may submit one artwork for this show on each submittal form. There is a non-refundable $20 USD processing fee for each submission. Each artwork requires a separate submittal form. Artists may submit up to 3 separate submissions. We recommend choosing your very best work. Fees are non-refundable.
Lastname_firstname_title of work_medium_dimensions
for example: doe_john_ghost_watercolor
JPGs must be no less than 300 DPI but the higher the better for publication. Maximum dimensions for photographs of horizontal works are 8"l x 11"w. Maximum dimensions for photographs of vertical work are 11"l x 8"w. Square works should be set at 8"l x 8"w. JPGs should not exceed 4.8 MB or 4800KB each. RGB color format is preferred. There should be no watermarks on any JPGs. Please do NOT include any framing of artwork in the photograph. Photographs should be of the work alone and cropped to the size of the work without background edges, matting, or framing showing. Photographs should be clear and well-lit without blur, glare, or reflections. Photographs should be without pixelation.
Failure to follow all of the guidelines on this submittal guideline page will automatically disqualify the artist's work from inclusion in the show or being processed through the selection committee. Disqualified work will not receive any refunds. Please follow the guidelines as we have many pieces to review and organize for the gallery show and print sales.
Download a PDF of the Guidelines for Small Works Art Show
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